

2024-02-04 分类:热点

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明洪武 青花云龙纹盘

Blue-and-white plate with dragon in clouds design

Hongwu Reign (1368-1398), Ming Dynasty

明永乐 青花葡萄纹盘

Blue-and-white plate with grapes design

Yongle Reign (1403-1424), Ming Dynasty

明永乐 青花莲瓣纹鸡心碗

Blue-and-white Jixin (chicken-heart featured) bowl with lotus petals design

Yongle Reign (1403-1424), Ming Dynasty

明永乐 青花花卉纹鱼篓尊

Blue-and-white creel-shaped zun vase with floral design

Yongle Reign (1403-1424), Ming Dynasty

明永乐 青花缠枝莲纹执壶

Blue-and-white flask with interlocking lotus sprays design

Yongle Reign (1403-1424), Ming Dynasty

明永乐 青花龙纹扁壶

Blue-and-white flask with dragon design

Yongle Reign (1403-1424), Ming Dynasty

明 宣德款青花缠枝花纹碗

Blue-and-white with interlocking flower design

with the imperial mark of Xuande Reign (1403-1424), Ming Dynasty

明 宣德款青花牵牛花纹兽耳倭角方瓶

Blue-and-white square vase with animal-shaped lugs and moming-glory design, with the imperial mark of Xuande Reign (1403-1424), Ming Dynasty


明 宣德款青花缠枝莲纹卧足碗

Blue-and-white concave-foot bowl with interlocking lotus sprays design.

With the imperial mark of Xuande Reign (1426-1435), Ming Dynasty

明 宣德款青花鱼藻纹洗

Blue-and-white Brush Washer with Fish and Algae Design

With the Imperial Mark of Xuande Reign (1426-1435), Ming Dynasty

明宣德 青花花卉纹梅瓶

Blue-and-white Plum Vase with Floral Design

Xuande Reign (1426-1435), Ming Dynasty

明 宣德款青花云龙纹钵

Blue-and-white Bo (food vessel) with Dragon in Clouds Design With the Imperial Mark of Xuande Reign (1426-1435), Ming Dynasty


明宣德 青花把莲纹盘

Blue-and-white Plate with Lotus Leaf, Flower and Seedpod Design

Xuande Reign (1426-1435), Ming Dynasty

明 宣德款青花双狮纹盘

Blue-and-white Plate with Double Lions Design

With the Imperial Mark of Xuande Reign (1426-1435), Ming Dynasty

明宣德 青花缠枝花纹折沿盘

Blue-and-white Plate with Foliated Edge and Interlocking Flower Design,Xuande Reign (1426 1435), Ming Dynasty

明宣德 青花缠枝牡丹纹盘

Blue-and-white Plate with Interlocking Peony Sprays Design

Xuande Reign (1426-1435), Ming Dynasty

明宣德 青花梵文螭耳炉

Blue-and-white Censer with Chi-dragon Shaped Lugs and Sanskrit Words Design, Xuande Reign (1426-1435), Ming Dynasty




正统、景泰、天顺三朝正值朝野动荡,干戈不息。这段时期,瓷器的发展史料记录模糊、空白,故用“空白期”称之。随着考古资料的发现,人们对空白期瓷器有了新的认识。发现其前期继承宣德青花瓷器风格,青花发色较浓艳,布局较为繁密; 后期则开成化青花瓷之先河,青花发色淡雅,图案布局趋于疏朗。

明正统 青花山水人物图笔山

Blue-and-white Brush Rack with Landscape and Figure Painting, Zhengtong Reign (1436-1449), Ming Dynasty


明正统 青花麒麟纹罐

Blue-and-white Jar with Kylin Design,

Zhengtong Reign (1436-1449), Ming Dynasty


明正统 青花人物图盖罐

Blue-and-white Covered Jar with Figure Painting

Zhengtong Reign (1436-1449), Ming Dynasty

明正统 青花折枝花卉纹盖罐

Blue-and-white Covered Jar with Plucked Floral Sprays Design

Zhengtong Reign (1436-1449), Ming Dynasty

明正统 青花人物故事图罐

Blue-and-white Jar with Figure Painting

Zhengtong Reign (1436-1449), Ming Dynasty

明景泰 青花花卉纹戟耳方瓶

Blue-and-white Square Vase with Ji-shaped Lugs and Floral Design

Jingtai Reign (1450-1456), Ming Dynasty

明天顺 青花人物图罐

Blue-and-white Jar with Figure Painting

Tianshun Reign (1457-1464), Ming Dynasty

明天顺 青花人物图罐

Blue-and-white Jar with Figure Painting

Tianshun Reign (1457-1464), Ming Dynasty

明天顺 青花人物图梅瓶

Blue-and-white Plum Vase with Figure Painting

Tianshun Reign (1457-1464), Ming Dynasty




明成化 青花麒麟纹罐

Blue-and-white Jar with Kylin Design

Chenghua Reign (1465-1487), Ming Dynasty

明成化 青花僧人像

Blue-and-white Statue of a Monk,

Chenghua Reign (1465-1487). Ming Dynasty


明成化 青花人物图三足炉

Blue-and-white Tripod Censer with Figure Painting

Chenghua Reign (1465-1487). Ming Dynasty

明 成化款青花花篮纹碗

Blue-and-white Bowl with Flower Basket Design

With the Imperial Mark of Chenghua Reign (1465-1487), Ming Dynasty


明弘治 青花昭君出塞图炉

Blue-and-white Censer with a Picture Featuring the Story of Wang Zhaojun Going out of the Frontier

Hongzhi Reign (1488-1505), Ming Dynasty

直口,筒腹,平底,三足。主题纹饰: 一仕女手抱琵琶,两仕女持物相随,抬头观望,前面一座城楼,上立三员藩将,松云相间,当表现昭君出塞的故事。

明弘治 青花人物图夹层碗

Blue-and-white Double-deck bowl with figure painting

Hongzhi Reign (1488-1505), Ming Dynasty

明弘治 青花缠枝莲纹葫芦瓶

Blue-and-white Gourd-shaped Vase with Interlocking Lotus Sprays Design

Hongzhi Reign (1488-1505), Ming Dynasty

明弘治 青花人物纹碗

Blue-and-white plate with figure painting,Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

明弘治 青花花卉纹诸葛碗

Blue-and-white double-deck bowl with floral design

Hongzhi Reign (1488-1505), Ming Dynasty

明 正德款青花三云纹盘

Blue-and-white Plate with Three Clouds Design,

With the Imperial Mark of Zhengde Reign (1506-1521), Ming Dynasty


明正德 青花玄武帝坐像

Blue-and-white statue of emperor Xuanwu

Zhengde Reign (1506-1521). Ming Dynasty

明 正德款青花龙穿花纹盘

Blue-and-white plate with dragon in flowers design

With the imperial mark of Zhengde Reign (1506-1521). Ming Dynasty

明正德 青花婴戏图碗

Blue-and-white bowl with a picture of children at play

Zhengde Reign (1506-1521). Ming Dynasty


明 正德款青花阿拉伯文器座

Blue-and-white holder with Arabian words

With the imperial mark of Zhengde Reign (1506-1521), Ming Dynasty

明正德 青花麒麟望月图盘

Blue-and-white plate with a picture of kylin look at the moon

Zhengde Reign (1506-1521), Ming Dynasty

明正德 凤穿花纹绣墩

Blue-and-white garden stool with phoenix in flowers design

Zhengde Reign (1506-1521), Ming Dynasty

明正德 青花人物图葫芦瓶

Blue-and-white gourd-shaped vase with figure painting,

Zhengde Reign (1506-1521), Ming Dynasty





明 嘉靖款青花花果纹盘

Blue-and-white Plate with Flower and Fruit Design,

With the Imperial Mark of Jiajing Reign (1522-1566), Ming Dynasty

此盘胎体厚重,器型硕大,青花色泽蓝中泛紫,显然用“回青”钴料绘画而成。画面主题纹饰是鸟栖枝头,画风生动活泼,布局繁而不乱,绘画技法运用 “铁线描”,是难得一见的嘉靖官窑大器。

明 嘉靖款青花云凤纹盘

Blue-and-white plate with phoenix in clouds design

With the imperial mark of Jiajing Reign (1522-1566). Ming Dynasty

明嘉靖 青花婴戏图罐

Blue-and-white jar with a picture of children at play

Jiajing Reign (1522-1566), Ming Dynasty

明 嘉靖款青花云鹤纹葫芦瓶

Blue-and-white gourd-shaped vase with cloud and crane design

With the imperial mark of Jiajing Reign (1522-1566), Ming Dynasty

明嘉靖 青花八卦云鹤纹炉

Blue-and-white Censer with Eight Trigrams and Crane in Clouds Design

Jiajing Reign (1522-1566), Ming Dynasty

明 嘉靖款青花海水八仙人物图罐

Blue-and-white Jar with a Picture of the Eight Immortals on the Sea

With the Imperial Mark of Jiajing Reign (1522-1566), Ming Dynasty


Blue-and-white Vase with a Picture of the Eight Immortals

With the Imperial Mark of Jiajing Reign (1522 1566), Ming Dynasty

明嘉靖 青花兽紋葫芦瓶

Blue-and-white Gourd-shaped Vase with Animal Design

Jiajing Reign (1522-1566), Ming Dynasty

明 隆庆款青花仕女抚婴图长方盒

Blue-and-white Rectangular Box with a Picture of a Woman Caressing a Baby,

With the Imperial Mark of Longqing Reign (1567-1572), Ming Dynasty


明 万万款青花八宝小碗

Blue-and-white Bowl with Eight Treasures Design

With the Imperial Mark of Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明 万历上字款青花人物碗

Blue-and-white Bowl with Figure Painting and the Character "Shang"

Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明 万历款青花梵文碗

Blue-and-white Bowl with Sanskrit Words

With the Imperial Mark of Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty


明万历 青花开光四兽纹罐

Blue-and-white Jar with Four Animals Design

Wanli Reign (1573- 1620), Ming Dynasty

明 万历款青花松鶴紋罐

Blue-and-white Jar with Pine and Crane Design

With the Imperial Mark of Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明 万历款青花缠枝花纹螭耳觚

Blue-and-white Gu (wine vessel) with Chi-dragon Lugs and Interlocking Flower Design

With the Imperial Mark of Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明万历 青花狮戏牡丹纹绣墩

Blue-and-white Garden Stool with Lions Playing in Peonies Design

Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明 万历款青花福寿文罐

Blue-and-white Jar with the Characters "Fu" and "Shou" (Fortune and Longevity)

With the Imperial Mark of Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明 万历款青花龙纹笔山

Blue-and-white brush rack with dragon design

With the imperial mark of Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明万历 青花松鹿瓷塑

Blue-and-white Ornament of Pine and Deer

Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明万历 青花花卉纹长方盒

Blue-and-white Rectangular Box with Floral Design

Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明万历 青花人物图炉

Blue-and-white Censer with Figure Painting

Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明万历 青花云龙纹方炉

Blue-and-white Square Censer with Dragon in Clouds Design

Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty

明万历 青花人物图朝耳炉

Blue-and-white Censer with Two Handles and Figure Painting

Wanli Reign (1573- 1620), Ming Dynasty

明 万历款青花寿字文龙钮盖罐

Blue-and-white Covered Jar with Dragon-shaped Knob and "Shou" (Longevity) Character Design, with the Imperial Mark of Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty


明万历 青花福禄寿字文八棱罐

Blue-and-white Octagonal Jar with the Characters“Fu",“Lu" and“Shou" (Fortune, Rank and Longevity)

Wanli Reign (1573-1620), Ming Dynasty





Blue-and-white Brush Rack with Landscape Painting

Tianqi Reign(1621-1627), Ming Dynasty


Blue-and-white Square Gu (wine vessel)with Floral Design.

Tiangi Reign(1621-1627), Ming Dynasty



Blue-and-white Bowl with a Picture of Children at Play

Tianqi Reign(1621-1627), Ming Dynasty


Blue-and-white Vase with Figure Painting

Chongzhen Reign(1628-1644), Ming Dynasty


Blue-and-white Lotus-seed-shaped Jar with a Picture of Horse Feeding

Chongzhen Reign(1628-1644), Ming Dynasty


Blue-and-white Jar with Picture of a Historical Story of Western Zhou Dynasty

Chongzhen Reign(1628-1644), Ming Dynasty


Blue-and-white Brush Holder with Picture of Landscape and Figures

Chongzhen Reign(1628-1644), Ming Dynasty


Blue-and-white Plate with Dragon Design

Chongzhen Reign(1628-1644) Ming Dynasty


Blue-and-white Small Bowl with the Inscription of "Yu Xiang Zhai"

Chongzhen Reign(1628-1644), Ming Dynasty


Blue-and-white Plate with Figure Painting

Chongzhen Reign(1628-1644), Ming Dynasty


Blue-and-white Gu(Wine vessel) with Flower and Bird Design

Chongzhen Reign (1628-1644)Qing Dyasty


(公元6一1368年 )


元 青花缠枝牡丹纹兽耳罐

Blue-and-white Jar with Animal-shaped Lugs and Interlocking Peony Sprays Design

Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)

元 青花缠枝牡丹纹兽耳罐

Blue-and-white Jar with Animal-shaped Lugs and Interlocking Peony Sprays Design

Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)


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  1. 2024-02-04 19:01晓灯[新疆网友]
  2. 2024-02-04 18:551012071299[广西网友]
  3. 2024-02-04 18:49海天一色[湖南省网友]
  4. 2024-02-04 18:43省心[火星网友]